Today's lots of competition in the world. Now, Blogging has reached millions of people. People of any age group are doing blogging. Blogging is a good option for part-time income.
Some people are doing blogging for the promotion of business. They are getting huge income after adding a blog to their website. Likewise, vLog is also interesting. Instead of written content, We use video content in vLog.
People have lots of craze on video content. Because of that vLogging is booming. I am sharing features of both vLogging and Blogging through this blog. It will help you to decide which one is good for you. Both are good in their point of view.
You can choose one according to your interest and skills. Let's see the difference between :
Blogging Statistics:
You can get an idea about how blogging is popular once you are aware of blogging statistics. Here is some important point which will help you to understand how blogging is a part in the daily life of the people.
- The average word count of content that ranks on Google is 1150-1300 words (Search Metrics).
- People are writing 4 million blog posts each day (InternetLiveStats).
- When you are including a blog as a part of your website, then your blog will get a 434 percent of chance to be ranked in a high position on the SERP page (Tech Client).
- A small business that is using the blog is getting 126 percent more leads (Tech Client).
Blogging is more popular in B2B companies. You can get more leads for your business by making use of a blog on the website. The blog can help the user while the purchase of any product OR service.
Blogging :
A blog is a web page that is updated regularly with fresh content.
A blog is simple and cheap. People of any age group can start blogging.
Lots of people are making use of the Internet and Social Media. Because of that blogging is booming.
Blogging is now a better career option for people in the 21st century.
Now many options are available for monetization of the blogging.
You can expand your network in the world by posting each blog on LinkedIn.
Your business will reach people through your blog. You can use blogging for both online and offline business.
A single person can start and handle blogging.
Generally, you explain any concept of your niche through the blog. It makes blogging popular. You don't need to write the whole stuff of your niche.
You can easily get a topic for your blog post on Quora, Google Trends, Goggle Question Hub, etc. It increases the credibility of the blog.
Google is interested in new content. You can get a huge amount of traffic on your blog if you are consistently writing a blog on your niche. It may be possible that your blog will come in search engine results.
You can use the internal link and external link in your blog post. You have an opportunity to get a high-quality backlink from a higher authority site.
You can reach customers through your blog. You have many opportunities to promote the blog on blogging. Blogging has a bright future.
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Type of Blog :
Which blog is most popular? People have a lot of confusion about this question. You should choose a blog type according to your interest. These are some popular topics among all topics :
Personal Blog :
You can share your own experience through your blog. You don't need to expert in that field. But you must have some experience of that particular topic.
You can share your advice on a particular topic through your blog. This blog is mostly written by a celebrity person. These people catch their fans attention on them from their blog. They represent their personality in front of people from their blogs.
Niche Blog:
You can use any niche to write a niche blog. A niche can be of different kinds like a food blog, fashion blog, cricket blog, tech blog, education blog, saguaro blog, etc. You will come to know as an expert in your niche when you are consistently writing a blog on your niche.
You can attract a huge amount of traffic to your blog through your blog post. When you have decided to write a niche blog, you must choose a niche in which you are passionate. You can sell your product OR service from your blog which is related to your niche.
You can target a specific group of people through your niche blog. It will increase the conversation rate of your product OR service. You can solve the problem of people in your niche through your blog. You can guide the people from your blog.
Affiliate Blog:
You can do affiliate marketing from your blog. You can join any affiliated program. E. g Amazon Associate, Flipkart program, etc. You can include an affiliated link in an affiliated blog post. You can sell products OR services from your affiliate blog which is not your own.
You can include the feature of the product OR service in your affiliate blogs. You can also write about the review of the product OR service. You can also guide why you should buy this product OR service from your affiliate blog. You can use different media in your affiliate blog post. By using this way, You can encourage the user to buy products OR services by using different strategies for your affiliate blog post.
If you don't have any business to sell your product OR service, then in case you can sell affiliate products OR service of affiliate sites. You can select a blog niche, according to what kind of affiliate product you are selling from your blog post. So that you can take major advantage of the affiliate blog. Lets you can take the example of a cricket blog. You can sell cricket-related accessories from your affiliate blog post. You can easily get those products from affiliate sites.
Blogging Platform:
You need one platform to publish and write blog content. Multiple platforms are available for blogging. These are free OR paid.
Around 15 million people in the world are making use of the Word press platform. WordPress is user friendly and SEO-friendly platform. You can add multiple plug-in and extensions to increase the SEO of the website. Google can easily index the WordPress platform. It is also easy for Google to show the SERP page in response to the user query.
Blogger is easy and simple to use. It's free. You just need an email ID to create a platform for blogging in the Blogger. It has zero downtime. Blogger provides free domain hosting. You can easily get Google Adsense on the Blogger compared to another platform. Because Blogger is developed by Google. You can make money out of it.
You can tag posts to your follower. Intuitive dashboard which is easy to use. You can use the Tumbler platform for microblogging. Whenever you post any blog post on Tumbler, then it immediately shows in the live feed. You can get a lot of followers out of it. It increases the visibility of the blog. It is not available on another platform which makes it unique.
You can get a lot of followers from Medium. You can get many formatting options on Medium. Medium is a professional blogging platform. Most of the best Authors, artists, Poet and Writer are making use of the Medium platform. You can learn a lot of things from their blog. You can also connect your Medium account with Facebook and Twitter. It helps you to find the connection.
You can represent content in video format through vLog. It is similar to blog. But medium is different. You can shoot vLog in two category. Let us see which are these two category:
Recorded vLog:
vLogger creates vLog by using Mobile and Camera. vLogger can change the setting in the camera of Mobile or personal Camera before shooting vLog. vLogger can shoot vLog in the event, in performance, in the public environment, etc.
You don't need to do setup while shooting these vLog. You don't need to invest in infrastructure. You can create this vLog on any topic. You don't need to work on a specific niche.
You can edit the video before it is published. You can share vLog on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Linked In, etc.
Live Broadcasting:
You can not edit the video before publishing. You can communicate with the user in live streaming of the vlog. You don't have any room for errors in this vLog.
What The Benifits of vLogging?
vLogging is so popular. vLogging has a number of advantages. Let us see one by one:
- vLog is easy to create. You can easily shoot vLog. But In blogging, you require a lot of time from keyword research to promotion blogs.
- What cameras are best for vlogging? You can easily shoot vLog from your Mobile. Now, everyone is making use of a Smartphone. You can easily shoot high-quality video from your Smartphone.
- You can use video editing software for editing those vlogs. You don't need to invest money in the beginning for buying a high-quality camera. You can purchase it whenever you would start earning from vLogging.
- Now, people are not interested in written content. They are interested in video content. Most people are learning different skills by watching videos on YouTube. So people have a lot of attraction video content.
- You can run blog and vlog together. You can add a vlog to your blog. You can do a promotion of your blog from vLog. So that users can understand what do you want to explain from your blog post. You can promote your vLog on YouTube. You can move a lot of visitors from your vLog to your blog.
- You can also promote your business through your vLog. You can take this advantage of blogging in vlogging. You can promote online and offline business through your vLog. You can generate a lot of leads from your vlog.
- You can make your career in vLogging. This is a new career option for people. You don't need to invest your whole time in vLogging. You can spend 1-2 hours daily for vLogging. This is enough.
- You can make a lot of money by promoting your vLog on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. You can easily get popularity on social media in vLogging. You can run sponsor and paid ads on your vLog. You can also shoot affiliate vLog. You would get a commission after purchasing the product OR service.
Tips for vLogging:
- You must decide on a niche for your vLog in which you are comfortable. So that you will come to know as an expert in your niche.
- You should decide that what do you want to explain from your vLog. You can note down some points for your vLog. So that according to that you can design content for your vLog. It will your task easy.
- You can use Google Trends to find the latest trends topics in your niche. You can earn a huge amount of traffic on your vLog. Once you would start vLogging, people will start following you.
- You must maintain the consistency of vLog. So that you can not lose your audience. You can also get a lot of followers out of it.
vLogging Ideas for Business :
I'm sharing some ideas of vLog for your business. You can use these ideas while you are making vLog for your business.
- You can do a broadcast of a live event such as a meeting, a store opening, and a conference that you are conducting. Your business will come in front of people through this vLog.
- You can create a vLog of Q and A. You can answer user questions from this vLog. You can build the trust of people on your vLog by making those vLog.
- You can create a vLog of your new launch product OR service. You can share their feature, pros, and cons of product OR service through your vLog. You can encourage the user to purchase your products from your vLog.
Note: You need to do a lot of hard work if you are starting your vLog. It will take time to reach people. So you don't lose your hope. If you maintain consistency in your work, then may get instant success in vLog.
Final Words:
Now, you are clear about which one is good between Blogging and vLogging. My advice is Blogging is good if you are doing Blogging for business. You can explain your product in detail through the Blog. vLog is also good. You can also use it for promoting your business. But you can not explain about product OR service in detail from vLog. Otherwise, vLog is good for highlighting the main content of any topic. Because some don't like to read the whole blog post. In that case, they can prefer vLog. If you have enjoyed my post, then don't hesitate to share this post on your social media.