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How To Start a Successful Blog In 2021

 Blogging is booming all over the world.   Blogger career in India is also booming. Millions of people are doing blogging. Most people have decided the blogging as a career. People's trust will not decrease in blogging.  Because Google is ranking only trustful content. 

You will surely succeed in blogging if you are blogging according to plan. You must design your blogging strategy.

how to start successful blog

How to start a successful blog? It is not only your question. This is a question of millions of bloggers who want to become successful people in Blogging. Now you do not need to worry about it.  

I am sharing a beautiful blogging strategy for your blog post. It will surely help you in planning for your blog website.  You must consider all the below blogging tips in blogging if you want to become a successful person in Blogging.

Design Responsive Blog:

You make sure that your blog must have a responsive design. Your blog website must be user-friendly. People read the blog on both mobile and desktop. Most people are reading the blog on the mobile phone.  

You must choose a responsive SEO-friendly template for your blog. It must be eye-catching. So that users feel comfortable while reading the blog.

Speed of Web site:

The speed of the website is considered while doing SEO of the website.  So You should always check the speed of your website.
 People do not like to click on websites whose loading time of the website is more. 

 Following are the  elements that slow down the speed of the website are:

  • Image Size: You must use JPG images in your blog.  Because JPG images are available in small size.  You can also add the ALT+Text attribute in the image. 

  • Video:  Do not include a long-size video in your blog website. It may slow down the speed of your website. 

  • Element: Remove the unused element of your website. 

  • Code: If you little bit of knowledge about HTML coding, then you can remove unnecessary code from your Blogger website.  In WordPress,  you don't have any problem.  You have a plug-in available to increase the speed of your website.

  • Ads: Remove unnecessary ads on your website. 

  • Plug-in: Do not use many plug-ins on your blog website.  You must try to use only important plug-in for your website.

Blog Post Consistency:

You should maintain consistency while publishing of blog post. If your previous posts are well written, then people wait for your upcoming blog post.  You must make a timetable for Blogging.  So you do not lose your audience.  It also increases traffic on your blog.  

When you are new to Blogging, your blog will not reach people directly. It takes time. Your blog will come in search engine results if you are consistently working on it.

Google boats are not able to understand when you will post a blog if are not maintained consistency in the publishing of the blog post. 

Focus on Building Influence:

You must try to build yourself as an influencer.  Before that, you should develop your skills.  You must try to make connections with people who are related to your niche. You can use LinkedIn to find people which are related to your niche.

 You must answer user comments.  You can answer the question on Quora. Quora is a huge platform where you may get millions of followers. By doing this, you can build your trust in the people. 

You must give updated information from your blog post.  If users are not getting valuable information through your blog, then people will not come to your blog.  You should update your old blog post.  Because things in blogging are changing from time to time.   

You must stick to your niche. So that people will come to your blog for finding the solution for their problems. Do not write any blog post which is not related to your niche.  Otherwise,  people will not able to understand the niche of your blog post. 

You should include information about each author on your blog. People also like to read the profile of the author. If people are interested to read the content of your blog post,  then people would know you by your name.

Generally, people are facing a lot of problems while selecting the topic of the blog post. You can understand the difficulty of the people in blogging by communicating with your connected people. You must provide a valuable solution to their problems. 

You can write a blog post on those topics. It allows you to turn your visitors into followers. People will be starting to know you by your name. You will come in search engine results. Also, you would get more connections from people who are already following you. Those people will share their experiences about you with other people. Then their friends will be also starting following you.

You should maintain an email list of your subscribers. Also, you can try to collect email id from your connected people. You can share the offer template, invitation template, template of the function, special event template, and instruction template to the email id of those people. 

You can build your digital presence through email communication. You can also communicate with people through the email id of people. You can also provide the solution to the user's problem through email. 

You can do professional communication with people through email. It is not possible in the comment box. You would get more subscribers to your blog website.

Promoting On Social Media:

You must try to create your profile on at least five social media platforms.  You can make use of social media to promote your blog.  So that people will come to your blog from your post on social media. 

You can also add a podcast, video, infographic image, and graphic image to your blog. You can catch people's attention on your blog through different media. You can also engage users long time on your blog. 

When you are at the beginning of blogging, your post will not come to the SERP page immediately. It takes time. You can build the authority of your blog by creating an account on different social media. Because of that Google would know about your blog. 

You can also target a specific group of people. You can join the group which is related to your blog. You can share each post in their group.  These would be your regular users. 

You can also do advertising of your blog on social media. You can give a boost to your blog from those advertising campaigns.

Add Plug In To Website:

You can add the plug-in to your blog post. You can get many plug-ins for blogging on WordPress. WordPress is a highly used platform in the world. You can use this plug-in to do the optimization of the blog.  You can improve the performance of your website. You cannot use a plug-in on the Blogger platform. Because plug-in is not available on Blogger.  Always use an updated plug-in for your blog post. So that you can fully take advantage of it.


The security of the blog website is very important. You are doing a lot of work on it. If someone hacks your website, then it may be possible that he would do misuse your blog website. So security is the main aspect of each thing in life.

 If you are using Blogger, then you don't need to worry about security. Because Blogger provides a free SSL certificate. But on WordPress, you need to purchase that certificate.  There are several ways you can increase the security of your blog : 

  • You can protect the login details of your blog. You should change the password after some time. Always use a strong password for your blog website. Because Hackers can hack login detail to take control of your blog website. 

  • You can protect the information about the CMS version you are using for your website from Hacker. 

  • Always must take backup of your blog. Otherwise, your whole work will be lost if a certain problem would occur for your blog website. You must use important and update plug-ins for your blog post. You can remove all un useful plug-ins from your blog website.

  • You can buy an SSL certificate for your blog. Because it is important while you are interested to run ads on your website.

Catchy Title:

You must decide on a catchy title for your blog post. People read blogs titles before reading the blog post. You can get organic traffic to your blog post from the blog title.

 You can use a tool to design a title for your blog post.  Lots of free tools are available on the Internet. You should decide the title for your blog post before writing a blog post. So that you are clear about your blog post. 

You should include your main keyword in the title of the blog post.  Don't use the title for your blog post which already exists. It will bad impact on the SEO of the website.

Format To Enhance Readability:

Your blog content should be readable.  You must include the following elements in your blog post:

Bold and Italic Text
Header Tags
Short Paragraph

You can give color to the sub-heading and heading of the blog post. You can explain the different concepts from each paragraph of the blog post. So that user's different concepts will be clear in each paragraph of the blog post. 

 Don't make use of copied content in your blog. It will make a bad impact on your blog. You should write your blog in your words. You can communicate with people through your blog. In this way, you can engage users long time on your blog. This are all basic  blog design tips.

Google Analytics:

You can use Google Analytics to analyze the daily performance of your website. You can get an idea about which content on your blog website people is interested in. You can get ideas about which country the audience is coming to your blog. You can also get ideas about how many goals you have completed. These points will be helpful for you in making a plan for blogging. According to that, you can make changes in your plan.

Important Pages For Website:

You must include contact us, about us, disclaimer page, and privacy policy page in your website.  These are important pages for your blog website.  It will increase the trust of your blog website.

Personal Advice:

Million people are doing the blogging.  But all of them are not successful. Some bloggers are stop blogging if traffic is not coming to their blog.  Even if they are not able to find keywords in their blog post. You must make the correct plan for blogging plan. 

You must keep yourself motivated when you start blogging. Always do optimization of your blog like successful bloggers are doing from the beginning.

 You must aware of all things in blogging before you have started blogging. Google is always doing an update in their algorithm.  So, according to that, you should update yourself. 

I have several examples of blogs that make money on Blogger. But one of my favorites is a Techno Help Blog. 

Final Words:

No one can get success in a limited amount of time. It is not only happening in blogging, it is happening in all fields. So you need to keep patience while you are starting blogging. 

You need some time to understand things. You should keep updating yourself in Blogging. So that you can implement those things in your blog. 

Whatever points I have shared from my blog post are all important for Blogging. You must follow these points while you are doing blogging. This would help you if you want to become a successful career in Blogging.  

 If you any questions related to how to start a successful blog, then you ask me that question in the comment box. I will be happy if you have allowed me to answer your question.

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