How To Do SEO of Your Website? Now, this is the question that comes to mind of every new Blogger. Google is always doing the update in their algorithm. According to that, we need to update ourselves. You must follow Google guidelines to make SEO-friendly blog posts.
Otherwise, your post will not come on the SERP page. Also, it does not matter how many blog posts you have written. You can also get traffic to your blog if you are doing SEO on your website. So it is good to do SEO for your website.
I have taken just this thing in my mind while writing this blog post. I am sharing with you SEO Blogging Tips that can be useful for you to do SEO of the website.
I.Blogger SEO Tips 2020:
1. You can write content as per the requirements of the people in the blog post.
2. You must do SEO for your website. You don't need to invest money in a paid campaign. You can get millions of traffic on your blog from the SEO of the website.
3. You must learn some things for the SEO of the website. There are:
1.On-Page SEO:
- You must learn how to optimize content in a website to rank on Google. You can update your blog website according to the update of Google. Don't use Black hat SEO in your blog.
- You can get short success from Black Hat SEO.
- You can not use it for a long time on your website. It is against Google's policy.
- You can learn white hat SEO. It is long-term.
- You can earn more money from white hat SEO.
2. Bank link: You must learn how to get backlinks from another site to your site. So you can build the trust of your website on Google.
3. Off-Page SEO: You can learn how to promotion of the website on Social Media. Also, you can learn different strategies to increase traffic on your blog.
4. You can select your blog name similar to the domain name. You can use the namespace generator tool to find the blog name.
You can check the availability of the domain. It saves time and money.
5. You must include your main keyword in the permalink of the blog post. You must put up to five words in the permalink of the blog post.
6. You must try to use the long tail keyword in your blog post. Because now a lot of competition in the short tail keyword.
Your blog must be mobile-friendly. Blogs are mostly read on mobile.
7. You can use the Google Insight tool to check the speed of the website. You can check both the Mobile and Desktop speed of the website using these tools. If it is not good, it will increase the bound rate of your website.
8. You can create a sitemap for your website. It includes all pages and blogs of the website.
You must submit that sitemap to the Google Search Console. You must update your sitemap whenever you posted a blog. So Google can rank and index posts.
9. You must include the Robots.txt file in the blog post. You can grant or control access to Crawler by using these files.
10. You can see the top ten results on SERP page content length is 2000 words. You must write a long blog post to rank on Google.
You must remove all broken links from the website. It will affect on traffic of your blog.
11. You can include Subscribe by Email option on your website. People will subscribe to your blog if they like your post. You can send your post update on their mail id. You can get regular traffic on the blog from your subscriber.
12. Your website must have an SSL certificate. It is best for SEO.
II. Blog SEO Tips And Tricks:
1. You must structure the sentence properly while you are inserting keywords in the sentence. Google can track keyword stuffing. That's not good for SEO.
You can collect keywords and images before writing blog posts.
You can use synonyms of the primary keyword in your blog. Google can not catch your keyword stuffing in your blog in this way.
2. You must try to write your post in simple words. You can think about what do you want to explain from your post. You must be clear about it before writing the blog post.
3. Your Blog post must consist of three elements: Title, Body, and Index. According to that, you can design your blog post.
4. You must decide which point you are interested to include in your blog post. You can add a table of contents in your blog post. You can take traffic to your blog by using a table of contents in your blog post. It will attract the user to your blog.
5. You should keep each paragraph as its unique idea. It makes your blog more readable.
6. You must give a heading to each topic in the blog. So users can understand what type of content is. Otherwise, users will be confused and user not able to understand your blog. It will increase the bounce rate of the blog.
7. You must try to use transition words in your blog. For example, finally, similarly, first, etc. You can grab people's attractions by using those words in your blog.
8. You must try to explain each point in detail through your blog. You should link your new post to your existing similar post. Because of that, you can engage people for a long time on your blog post.
9.You can ask your experience blogger friend to read your blog post. You can clear about whether your blog post is readable or not. You can also get feedback on whether your blog post is covering all points or not. According to that, you can make changes in your blog post.
10. You must write the post regularly. So that Google can understand your website is alive. Google will rank and index your website. You can make a calendar of the blog post. It is useful when you are not able to write blog posts daily.
11. You can make use of small SEO tools in your blog post. It will help to do an audit of your blog post. You can do the correct SEO of your website by using these tools. You can check plagiarism, keywords density, meta description, title, etc. I am personally making use of these tools to do an audit of my website.
III. How To Do SEO For a Blog:
1. SEO Friendly URL:
You must include the main keyword of your blog in the URL of the blog. So Google can understand exactly which kind of post you have written. Your primary keyword should be up to 5 words.
You can see "Blogging Writing Tips" is the main keyword of this blog.
2. Image:
You must include the primary keyword to Alt+Text of the picture in your blog post. So Google can understand what type of image it is. Otherwise, your post will not come in Search Engine Result.
You can create images for your website. It is better for SEO.
Search Engines can not read images but can read text.
3. Internal Link:
You can include the internal link of your similar post in your current blog post. So Users can get deep knowledge from your blog post. You can engage users longer time in your blog post. It will increase the session rate of the website.
You should write 3-4 posts on similar or related topics. So that you can do interlink your post.
3. Update Your Older Blog Post:
If you can not write the blog post daily, then you can update your old content. You can add the latest information to your blog. You can improve the ranking of your blog post by updating content. You can get traffic on your older blog post.
4. Keyword Research:
You can use keywords in the blog to rank on Google. You must select a higher search volume and lower competition keyword in your blog. That is good for SEO. You can use the Ubersuggest tool to find primary and secondary keywords for your blog post.
You can use Google Trends to find the latest trending topics in your niche. You can Google Trend to find the primary keyword for your blog post.
When you put your primary keyword in the Google search box, You can get many LSI keywords below the SERP page. You can also use the answer the public tool to find content topics for the blog. You can use these topics to write a blog post.
You can include the primary keyword in the headline of the blog post. You can use your primary keyword five times in the blog post. You can add the secondary keyword in the subheading of the blog post.
You must try to use synonyms of your primary keywords in the blog post. You must include the primary keyword in the first paragraph of the blog post. You must include the primary keyword in the conclusion of the blog post.
You can use secondary keywords in paragraphs and subheadings of the blog post. Your overall success of the blog post depends on the keyword of the blog post.
You must include the main keyword in the search description of the blog post.
5. Category:
You must divide your blog into the category. You can include that category in the label. So Google can understand the type of blog. According to that, it displays the blog in search engine results.
6. External Link:
You can use the external link in your blog post. You can provide the backlink to another blog website.
If they found that you are providing the backlink to their site, they will share your blogs on their website. You can get the backlink to your website. You can also increase the authority of your website.
7. Social Sharing:
You can not depend on when Google will give traffic to your blog. You must share your blog on at least five social media platforms. You can get a large amount of traffic from social media.
You must include a description, title, and link to the blog in your social media posts. Otherwise, Social Media sites block your website.
8. Blog Commenting:
You can read the popular blog of your niche.
You can share your thoughts after reading that blog in the comment box. You may get the backlink from those sites.
Here is the format for Blog Commenting :
<b><a href="Website URL" title="Targeted Keyword">Targeted Keyword</a></b>
In the above format, you must include the URL of your website in the Website URL section and the website name in the target keyword.
IV. Is Blogger Good For SEO:
- Blogger is a free platform.
- Blogger provides free hosting. You can not add extra features in Blogger.
- Bloggers do not provide the plug-in.
- Blogger provides a free SSL certificate.
- Blogger has zero downtime. Google is taking care of traffic on your blog.
- Blogger provides a free domain. Blogger website blog does not come in search engine results.
- You can add a custom domain to your blog. You can get Adsense on your blog fast as compared to another platform.
- Blogger developed by Google.
- Google monitors your blog website. Google has trust in their Blogger website.
- You can migrate your Blogger platform to WordPress. You need your email id to create your blogger website.
- Google removes your blog if you are breaking the rules of Blogger. Blogger is the best platform for new bloggers. You can learn blogging from Blogger. For SEO in Blogger, you don't need to be an expert.
- If you do not want to invest in blogging, then you can use Blogger. Even I have started my journey from Blogger.
- Almost 90 percent of people in the world are using WordPress. But you can switch to WordPress from Blogger anytime. Before that, you can get Adsense approval and earn some money. So you can invest that money in buying hosting and domain.
- Blogger has a limited feature as compared to WordPress. Blogger is easy to use. You can do minimum customization in the Blogger.
- All code in Blogger is in HTML and CSS. You must know HTML and CSS if you want to any element in the website. It is hard in Blogger. You can not get fully customizable themes in Blogger.
- Blogger is under the control of Google. Google can remove your blog anytime. Google not give a warning while removing the blog. Now Blogger is free. But they can charge you anytime. It is their own decision.
- Blogger has a limited template. The theme is best according to the SEO point of view. You can create your template. You can not make modifications to the blogger template.
- Bloggers do not provide support. Blogger provides documentation. People of any age group can use the blogger platform. It is best to create a blog.
Final Word :
SEO is best to increase the visibility of your blog. You can rank your blog on Google based on particular keywords. If your blog is indexing, then Google trusts your blog website.
You can get millions of traffic on your blog by creating backlinks and including the internal link in the blog post. You can build the authority of your blog on Google. I hope you have enjoyed my post on SEO blogging tips.
If you have any questions on the SEO of the Blog or would like to leave me your response on the blog, don't hesitate to post your comment below! I would be happy if I have got an opportunity to assist you.