How to get traffic to a new blog? Is a big question when you are coming in Blogging. It is not your problem. It is a problem for a million of bloggers. Your business will reach a million people through blogging. People will not come to your blog at the beginning of the blog. So do not frustrate. If you have not how to drive traffic to your blog.
If you do not know from where you start, then this blog is for you. I am sharing tips to drive traffic on your blog from this blog. You can use that tips to drive traffic to your blog. It may be possible that you are aware of some tips from my blog. But I am providing this technique from a unique angle in the blog. Let us see:
Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumbler.... :
How to promote your blog for free? You make use of social media to drive free traffic to your blog. Because a lot of people are making use of social media. You do not invest money when you are promoting on social media. There is a lot of social media site where you can promote your blog.
You can promote your blog on Tumbler, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Medium, etc. You must create an account on at least five social media. You should you each blog post on those social media. This will increase the authority of the blog on Google. This is one of main organic traffic sources for Blogging.
Make a Schedule for Blogging:
You should make a timetable to write a blog post. You must stick to your timetable. So that Google can understand when you will update your blog, and it will index your blog. If the quality of the blog is good, then Google may be rank your blog.
Decide Trending Topic For Your Blog Post:
You must do the proper selection of topics for your blog post. Your blog post has not to value if you are writing a blog post on a topic in which nobody is interested. You can Google Trends tool to understand the interest of the people in your niche of the blog post. It is a free tool. Now, bloggers are also providing topic suggestions to write a blog post. You can pick any topic to write a blog post. These are all trending topics. You can get a large amount of traffic on your blog from those trending topics.
How To Write Blog Post:
You must read at least five of your competitor's blogs. So that you can get an idea about what point I should include in the blog post? Which points are missing in their blog post? You can note down all important points from their post, and you can cover those points in your blog post. Because the content is king in blogging. It will not come automatically, but when you would be spending time on blogging. Then it will automatically come to you.
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Write Better Titles:
You must write a catchy headline for your blog post. Because people click on the blog by reading the headline of the blog. As compared to content, people come on the blog through the headline of the blog. You can urge a huge amount of traffic on the blog through the headline. You can use Sharethrough tool to get a catchy headline for your blog post.
Know Your Niche:
You must stick to your niche. If you are writing a blog post leaving your niche, then it will confuse Google as well as people to understand what is your blog niche. You can not deliver a proper message to people this way from your blog. You will come to known experts in your niches If you are regularly writing blog posts according to the niche of your blog.
Influencer Marketing:
You can take interviews with influential bloggers. Influential bloggers are always interested to give an interview. You can decide on one topic to represent in front of those people. You can take an interview of each person on your selected topic. Then you can include that interview in your blog post. It may be possible that they will share your interview blog on their blog website. People like to read interview blogs. You can build the trust of people on your website through this blog post.
External Link:
You can include the external link in your blog post. If you have found that this tool, service, or product is useful for people, you can use their link in your blog post. Google may trust will be increased on your blog, if you are using an external link in your blog post. It may be possible that those websites will give a backlink to your website. You can get a huge amount of traffic on your blog through the backlink.
Internal Link:
You can include the internal link in your blog post. If you have written a different post on the same topic, then in that case you can do internal linking of the blog post. You can engage users long time on your website through this method.
Add Social Sharing Buttons:
You must add a share button on your blog post. If the user has enjoyed your post, then it may be possible that they will share your blog post on their social media.
Blogger To WordPress Migration Service Benefits:
Using Blogger at the beginning of Blogging is good. Blogger is the best platform among all platforms. But you should not stay a long time on your Blogger website. Because You can not drive more traffic to your Blogger as compare to WordPress.
- Almost 95 percent of the people are using WordPress and only 5 percent of the people are using Blogger. Some of them also had started their blogging journey from Blogger. But when their business was started growing, then they have migrated their blog from Blogger to WordPress to urge several benefits.
- You are losing a lot much amount of traffic on Blogger website because of several reasons. There are some reasons why you should migrate your Blogger website to a WordPress website.
- Blogger has limited option to design your blog. You can switch your blogger website to a WordPress website. You have many options to design your website when you are using WordPress. Because the design of your website must be responsive if you want to drive traffic to your blog.
- You get all code of your website on a single page. It is difficult to make changes in the HTML code of Blogger. Because of that, you are not able to do the proper SEO of your blog. But On WordPress, You can use the SEOPressor plug-in to do SEO of your website. You can do the advanced SEO of your WordPress website.
- WordPress is easy to manage. But blogger is difficult to control and manage. You face a lot of problems when you are little change in Blogger website. Sometimes you need to leave things. Even if you are interested to add that thing to your blogger website.
- You have restrictions on the promotion of your blog on social sites when you are using Blogger. But, you do not have any restrictions on the WordPress website. You can use any strategies to promote your blog.
- Generally, Blogger websites are slower to load. You can not use any plug-in to increase the speed of your Blogger website. When you are adding video content as well as Facebook page snippets it will increase the loading time of your website. On WordPress, you can use the SpeedUpWordpress plug-in to increase the speed of your website.
Invest In Promotion:
You can spend some money on paid advertising on social media. You can give a boost to your traffic from this method.
Write Guest Posts:
You can write a guest post for a high-authority blog. If they are interested in your content of the blog, then they will provide a backlink to your website.
Email Marketing:
You should include an email subscription button in your blog post. So if any person is interested in reading your blog, then they can subscribe to your blog. Then whenever you post any blog on your website, it will get notifications.
But, now from July. Google has stopped this feature on the Blogger website. People can subscribe to your blog. But they will not get notifications of the blog. You need to maintain a list of your subscriber. According to that, you need to share the template of your blog post on their email.
Remove Unwanted Ads:
You can remove unuseful ads from your blog. You must monitor which ads are not running in your blog post. So that You can protect people from distractions on your website.
Maintain Loading Time of Website:
You must test the speed of your website. If your website is taking time to load, then the user will not stay on your blog. You can use PageSpeed Insights tool by Google to monitor the speed of your website. You can improve the speed of your website on mobile and desktop using this tool. Performance of website must be good on both mobile and desktop. Because You don't know which device people are using while reading your blog post.
Don't Use Traffic Generator Tool:
You should not make use of the traffic generator tool. You can generate traffic on your blog from those tools. You need to purchase traffic for your blog using this tool. No one can purchase traffic each time. Google can track from which medium traffic is coming to your blog. If you are making use of the wrong medium for traffic, then Google will not give you AdSense approval on Blog. Also, your blog has no value on Google.
Hire Content Writer:
If you don't have time in hand to write a blog post, Then in that case you can hire a content writer for blogging. So that you can concentrate on the remaining things. It takes a lot of time as compared to other tasks. Because writing a blog post is not enough. You also need to do promotion and SEO of the blog.
Design Template For Blog Post:
You should decide unique template for the blog post. You must write each blog post according to the specified format. So that users can understand your blog through the structure of the content in the blog. I am providing you a unique template that you can use to write a blog post.
Headline :
You must select a catchy headline for your blog post. Because the user will come to your blog by reading the headline of the blog.
Give a proper introduction to your blog post. You must describe in short what you want to explain from your blog post. So that users can understand your blog post. You can touch people's hearts through the introduction of the blog. It is a place from which you catch people's attention on your blog.
You must show the problem in front of people which they are facing. So that users can understand the focus of the blog is on which problem.
Once users are aware of the problem. Then people will be expecting from you that your blog will give a solution to that problem from your blog post. You should provide the solution to that problem. You can build the trust of people on your blog using this method.You must include the keyword in your blog post. Your blog post will come in search engine results according to the keyword of the blog.
You must write a conclusion for your blog post. You must describe whatever you have described from your blog post is important for people or not. It also will help users to decide whether they would follow your solution or not.
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SEO Friendly Image:
You can include ALT+Text in your image. So You can protect your blog from copy-write images. It will boost the SEO of your blog. You can catch people's minds on your blog through the visual image. You can use the site to get a high-quality image of the blog.
Make Use of Multimedia:
You can include graphs and charts in your blog post. You can include an infographic image in your blog post. You can add a screenshot of the step Wise procedure of any process in your blog post. You can make use of the graphic image in your blog. You can include photos of the cartoon in your blog to carry a smile on the user's face.
You can add a video to your blog post. Sometimes you are not able to explain content through words. Then in that case you can use video in your blog post. You can easily share thoughts with people through video content. Google is also interested in looking at different media content of the blog.
Update Old Blog Post:
You can update your old blog post. Because If Google has not ranked your blog post the first time, it may be possible that they will be ranking your post next time.
Header Tags:
You must make use of header tags, bullets, numbers in your blog post. You should make your blog more readable. So that people of any age group can read your blog.
Final Words:
How to increase blog traffic fast? you can get traffic to your blog. But you can not take instant traffic on your blog. You will get a huge amount of traffic on your blog if you are consistently promoting the blog.
You do lots of struggles for writing a quality blog post. But If no one is coming to your blog, Then you get depressed. You don't need to take tension about it. You can use this technique to drive traffic to your blog.
You can get a huge amount of traffic on your blog just by doing little work. No one can say when traffic will come to your blog. But it's possible if you are consistently doing your job properly by keeping tips in mind. Because writing a blog is not enough. Promotion of the blog is not very difficult. Just put little effort into it.
You will surely get success in a short span. I hope you have enjoyed my blog. If you have any doubt related to blogging, then do not hesitate to ask the question in the comment box. I will be thankful if you have given me an opportunity to answer your question.