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What Is The Best SEO Difficulty For A New Blogger?

 Whenever a new person comes into blogging,  they need to spend some time understanding blogging.  Writing a blog post is not enough for blogging. You need to write a blog according to SEO if you want to be successful in blogging. 

  Your blog post has no value if you are not writing an SEO-friendly blog post. Because of improper knowledge, they are facing difficulty in the SEO of the blog. 

What Is The Best SEO Difficulty For A New Blogger?

Your website will rank on Google based on these factors. Some people can write quality content.  But because of SEO, they are not able to rank blog posts. I am pointing out this problem through this post.

I am sharing with you what is SEO difficulty is faced by all new bloggers through this blog. Also, I have provided the solution to those problems through my blog. 

I have gathered this information after a year of experience in the blogging. I am sure this blog will be helpful for you.  Let  see  all SEO difficulty one by one:

Blog Name:

New bloggers are not able to find blog names for their websites. The blog name is a very important part of the website. You can not change your blog name once you decided. 

New bloggers are interested in the micro-niche blog. It is good. But after some time they are unable to get the subject for their blog post. Because of that, they decide to stop blogging. 

Solution : My advice is always to choose a long-term niche for a blog. So that you can work on that blog a long time.

I have written a separate blog post for the blog name. You can read this post to get ideas about the blog name. Also Read : 

Keyword Research  :

People are not able to understand how to  keyword research for  blog posts. It is a challenging task for all bloggers. It is not your problem. Even experienced bloggers also have the same problem. Also, they are not able to understand where I should place this keyword in the blog post.  So do not worry about it. 

I have noted all the problem which is generally facing by all bloggers. I am providing the solution to some problems in keyword research.  Let us see all of them one by one:

Problem 1

New Bloggers are not able to find proper keywords for the blog post. They are learning keyword research techniques from New YouTuber. They are not checking even the profile of that person whether he has done blogging in their entire life. Or they have SEO knowledge. Because of wrong information, they are choosing the wrong keywords for their blog post.


You can take guidance from an experienced person on YouTube Channel. You must watch the experience person video on YouTube. You can check the experience of that person in blogging and SEO. If you have found that person has more than 2 experience in blogging, then those people will guide you better than the remaining people. So that you can get clear guidance from that person. A lot of people are learning different skills from YouTube. So I am not against watching YouTube. My point is that you must follow the correct steps while watching this YouTube channel.

Problem 2 :

 New bloggers are not maintaining keyword density in the blog post. There are not maintaining a count of the primary and secondary keyword. Google does not like such blog posts. Google is thinking you are doing spamming from your blog post.  You must maintain keyword density while writing a blog post. This is important for your website.  


You can use the primary keyword 3-4 times in the blog post. You must use each secondary keyword one time in the article.

Problem 3:

New bloggers have a problem in deciding the keyword for the blog post. New bloggers are directly targeting higher competition keywords. It is not good. You have not known all about blogging in the beginning. In that case, if you are targeting that huge competition at the beginning of blogging, it is risky. 


 Now, question is coming in your  mind : What is a good keyword search volume ?  I have got solution for these questions. You must try to select keywords that have lower competition. You must select a keyword whose search volume is between 250 and 300. You make sure that its keyword difficulty is easy. Your website must have one primary keyword. Your secondary keyword search volume must be between 10 and 40. Secondary keywords count depends on the length of the article. For example,  you must use 5-6  secondary keywords in 1000 your article.  

Problem 4: 

Many bloggers are using keyword research tools to find keywords for their blogs. But you can see that each tool is giving different results for the same keyword. Because of that new bloggers are not able to decide the proper keyword for your blog.


You need to consider different factors while selecting the perfect keyword for the blog. As compared to any keyword research tool,  your logic can help you to get a topic for your blog post. You must check how many pages are ranking for your keyword. If you found that a lot of articles are written on the same topic,  then it means they are a lot of competition on that keyword.  If you found that there are less than 10 blogs are written on the same topic,    then you can write an article on the same topic.

But before that, you must read all competitor blogs. So that you can get an idea about how they have written their content.  If their quality of the content is not good,  then you can write a blog on those topics.  You must cover all points in the blog post so that you can break their competition. You can also get an idea about whether they have written an engaging blog post or not. If not, that's plus point for you.

 You must check the backlinks of each website. If your backlinks are more than that then it may be possible you will rank. You must check what are competitor's domains. If they are using a low trusted domain, then also it may be possible you will rank.  You should use the .com domain.  It can beat all domains.

You must check the loading time of all blogs. If the loading time is more,   then you can rank on such a keyword. You must check whether they are mobile-friendly or not.  It's also one factor while you are doing keyword research.  Because a lot of people are making use of the mobile phone to read the blog as compared to desktop. If you are considering all these factors while writing the blog post, then you can surely get the perfect keyword for your blog post. This is a complete keyword research process. You can do this process completely manually. 

You must try to write a blog better than all competitor blogs. Then you can stay in the competition. Then, In the beginning,  you must try to write an article on the topic which has lower competition.  

Now, the question is coming to your mind: What to do after keyword research? Finding keywords for the blog post is not enough. You must be aware of how to place that keyword in the blog post. Let us move towards the keyword placement task.

Keyword Placement : 

New bloggers are not able to understand where should I place these keywords in the blog post. Keywords placement is another task. You should know keyword placement. Because of wrong placement, Google can track keywords in the blog post. So your post does not come on the search engine results page.

New bloggers have doubts about how to give the title to your blog post. People come to your blog by reading the title of your blog. If the title of the blog post is not good, then people are not read that blog.
My advice is you must give a catchy name to your blog post and include the main keyword in the blog title. The length of the title should be 50-60 characters.

Content :

New Bloggers also have doubts on how much should be the length of the blog post. Content is the king of blog posts. It doesn't matter how much you have done SEO of your website.

If the quality of the content is not good, then your SEO has no value. Some bloggers are making use of copied content in their blogs. Google is not interested in copied content. That is bad for SEO.

They are not doing proper research for their blog post. Because of that, they are not able to make a plan for their blog post. YouTube is not always giving truthful information. 

New bloggers also have doubts about how many-word blog posts you should write. New bloggers are not covering each point in their blog posts.

If users are not getting solutions from your blog, then how they will come to your website. There are writing 300 - 500 words blog posts. This is not enough when you are new to blogging. New bloggers are making use of Google Images in their blog posts. This is not good.

Solution : 

 As compared to YouTube, you must read competitors' blogs. So that you can get an idea about how to design and write a blog post. 

You must write an article of more than 1000 words. That is good for SEO. Now, Lots of competition on Google in blogging. Including an image in the blog post is not enough.

 Google also looking for a podcast, video, infographic image, and graphic image in the blog. You must design your image of the blog. Also, include the ALT+Text attribute in the image. It is good for SEO.

Search Description:

New bloggers are not able to write search descriptions for blog posts. The blog description should be catchy. You must include what do you want to explain from this blog post. It must be short and sweet. 

So that people can get an idea about the blog post. If users found that your blog can give a complete solution to their problem, then they will surely read your blog.


You must include the primary keyword in the blog description.

Labels OR Tags:

Whatever keywords you have used in your blog post, you must include them in the label or tags. Some New bloggers are not aware about adding tags or labels in the blog post. Because of that their post is not coming in search engine results.

Your website will come on the SERP page according to the tags you are using in your blog post.


New bloggers have not included their primary keywords in their URLs of the blog. They are using the wrong word in the URL of the blog. Because of that Google are not able to understand your blog. So Google is not able to rank your blog. 

Solution :

You must try to include primary keyword in  URL of blog. You do not need to include addintional words which you are added in title to make it catchy. 

Final Words:

Now,  you have got an idea about which  SEO difficulty new bloggers are facing more.  Keyword research and Keyword placement are one of the common problems for all New bloggers.  It is a major SEO difficulty for all bloggers who are come new to blogging.

My advice is you must learn these skills before you are start blogging.  It does not mean that it will not change. It will change after some time.  You must read your competitor blog post.  You must always add value to your blog post. 

Google is always doing the update in their algorithm.  So according to that, you need to update your skills. How did you like this article, please tell me by commenting. I will give to answer all of your questions related to blogging.


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