If you have a passion for writing poems, you can use Blogger to turn your fashion into a Poet profession. You can reach more people through your poet blog. You can get an idea about the interest of people in the poem from the blogging.
Due to advancements in technology, value has come to the poet profession. A lot of people who have come from a different background also started writing a poem. You can also make money from your blog website.
I am sharing a stepwise procedure of how to create a poetry blog on the Blogger website. Let us see the whole method and how it is useful:
How To Start A Poetry Blog On Blogger :
You do not need to worry about how to create a poetry blog. You can easily create a blog website on Blogger.
You do not need technical skills to create a blog website. You do not need to do a lot of activity.
Once you have created a blog website, then you do not need to do anything. You need to post only blog posts on time. Google takes care of your blog website. Blogger is best blogging platform for poetry.
I am sharing simple steps which you can use to create a blog website:
Step 1:
You must have a Gmail id to create an account on Blogger. To sign into Blogger, you can use your Gmail id and password.
Once you insert your Gmail id and password, then Blogger will generate your platform for blogging. It takes a few seconds.
Step 2:
You can see Create Blog option in the first window.
When you click on Create Blog option in the window,
it will open a pop-up window of the blog name. Where you can set the name of your Blogger platform.
Step 3:
You can see the Blog platform in the second picture. You can do customization of your blog website in the setting section.
Step 4:
You can add the Theme to your blog website. To add the Theme to your blog website, you can go to the setting section. Blogger has many Themes. You can pick anyone to set for your blog website.
Step 5:
To create a blog on Blogger, click on the New Blog option. Once you click on that option, it opens the blog window. You can see the Blog window in the third picture.
Step 6:
You can give the title to your blog post. You can write blog posts.
Step 7 :
You can see multimedia in the toolbar section. You can add audio, video, and image content to your blog post.
Step 8 :
You can also set style, font, and color for your blog post.
Step 9:
You can see the header in the toolbar section. You can also use header tags for your blog post.
Step 10:
You can use numbers and bullets in your content. You can see the Label option in the window.
Step 11 :
You can see the Label option on the left side of the third picture.
You can set the label to your blog post. So People can understand the category of your blog website.
You can set the label to your blog post. So People can understand the category of your blog website.
Step 12 :
You can window Search the description window on the left side of the third picture. You can add a search description in your blog post.
Step 13:
You can click on Publish button. Then your blog will publish.
These are basic steps that you need to follow to publish blog posts on Blogger. I hope you have cleared up how to publish blog posts.
Is Blogger safe for Poetry Blog:
Yes, Blogger is safe for Poetry blog. You can start your journey from the Blogger platform. There are several reasons to use the Blogger platform. So of them are:
- Bloggers do not charge money.
- Blogger provides free hosting.
- Blogger has zero downtime.
- Blogger provides a free SSL certificate.
- You don't need to purchase the domain. Blogger provides blogspot.com domain.
- Blogger is simple to use.
- Blogger provides free themes to your blog website.
- You can also add multimedia content to your blog post.
- You don't need technical knowledge.
- Blogger suggests topics to write blog posts.
- You don't need to research the topic.
- You can get Google Adsense on Blogger.
- Control of your website is not in your hand. Instead of Google is taking care of your website.
Goals of Your Poetry Blog Website:
You must be clear about the goal of your blog website. According to that, you can make plans. Goals can be either making money from a blog website Or to be a successful poet. The number of ways you can make money from your blog website. I have written a separate blog post on this topic:
Also Read:
Instead of those ways, I have several other ways which you can use to make money from your blog post. These are:
1. E-book:
You can create an e-book of the poem. If you have a collection of poems, then you can design an e-book using Amazon and Smashwords. You can sell that e-book on your blog website. You can create the template of your e-book on Canva. You can send that template to your follower through the mail. You can make money by selling an e-book. It is not easy to get customers to book offline. But, through the blog website is easy.
2. Subscription :
You can start taking a subscription fee for the reading poem if many people have familiar with your blog website. Do not charge a subscription fee from the beginning. Otherwise, it will affect the overall performance of your website.
Essential Points of Poetry Blog:
Writing a blog post is not enough. You should follow some principles before starting a poetry blog. There are:
1. Decide the Focus of Your Poetry Blog:
Before you start a poetry blog, You must be clear about which type of poem you would write in your blog post. Either that would be lyric, narrative, and dramatic. Which kind of people have you decided to target from your blog post? According to that, you can give a name to your blog website. You can catch people's attention on your blog by reading the name of your blog website. You can also start personal poetry blog. You can not make money from a personal blog.
2. Be Consistent :
You can publish the blog on time. People like to follow websites that give them quality content. People keep attention to the latest post on those blog websites. So you do not lose the trust of people on your blog website. No one can get success from the first day. It takes time to understand things in blogging. When consistently you are posting quality blog posts, then you do not need to worry about it. No one can stop you from became a successful Blogger.
3. Promotion of Blog Website:
In the beginning, no one can get traffic to your website from Google. In that case, you can get traffic to your blog website from social media. You can use multiple social media to promote your blog website. You can create a page of your blog website on each social media. You can publish each blog post on those pages of social media.
4. Error Free:
You should remove all errors in your poem. You can revise your poem. Otherwise, it will generate a wrong impression of your blog website on people. It may be possible that people will not understand your poem. Do not hurt any religion from the poem in your blog post. It is not best for your website. Google can block your Blogger website.
5. Inspiration :
People give comments on the poet blog. You can get inspiration from audience comments. You can get an idea about whether people take an interest in your blog post or not. You can also collect ideas about what is the interest of the people. You can also publish that kind of poem from your blog post. So You can create an impact of you on the people. It may be possible that you will become known as an expert. You will not be able to think when your hobby will convert into a career.
6. Experiment :
You can use Times New Roman font for your blog website. You can set font size 12 to your blog website. Make use of all header tag to your blog website.
You can use different fonts, colors, styles in your blog post. It may be possible that way you can drive traffic to your blog.
You can design images for your blog post. That will catch people's attention on your blog post.
7. Recycling :
It is also useful when you have a poetry blog. You can update your old blog post.
You don't need to write lengthy blog posts. You can improve the ranking of your blog post.
8. Title:
You can give the title to a blog post based on the poem. Also, add a name to your poem.
You do not leave a blank title to your poem. Otherwise, people will not read your poem.
Poetry Blogs India :
Poetry blog is not only popular in Hindustan, but also in other countries. But, the source of the poem is India. People are moving towards poetry blogs to give relief to their minds. In our day-to-day life, we are going through stressful situations.
In this case, the poem helps you to come out of that situation. Each poetry blog has a different motive. I am sharing five poetry blogs in India from this blog. I hope you will like their poetry blog. There are:
Sometimes in life, we come into a negative situation. We are confused when we are not able to handle the situation. At that time, we need the motivation to fight against the problem.
In this situation, The Mindful Word is the best poetry blog. The Mindful Word has beautiful poems. These poems inspire people and give positive boosts to fight against difficult situations.
2. Vyomimalik:
If you like rhythm in the poem, then Vyomimalik is best for you. It catches people's attraction to their poetry blog.
Vyomimalik is the rhythmic heaven of a poetry blog. All poems in poetry blogs have a beautiful rhythm. It delivers a strong message in simple words.
If you need guidance, then you can contact the Bloggers. You can take help from the Bloggers to your poetry blog.
3. Tendermusings:
Jessy John shares their feelings, thoughts, imaginations, and experience in her life through the poem from her poetry blog. Tendermusings is her poetry blog. People from all over the world like to read her blog.
4. A Journey Called Life:
A Journey Called Life represents twists and turns in his life in the form of the poem. You can take a lesson from his poetry blog to implement in your life.
5. Megzone:
You can get Hindi and English poems at the same place.
You can read Shayari, Jingles, and Music from his blog.
Bloggers give a list of challenges in their blog. You can utilize them in your life to train your brain.
If you are looking for Hindi poetry blogs, then this blog is a good option for you.
Final Words:
It is not the only platform for poets. But also, Most people make a good poem than a poet. But, they were not able to find the medium for their hobby. Through Poetry Blogging, a new option comes in front of the people.
People can write poetry blogs in their local language as well as English. Blogging allows you to show your talent in front of people. You can do monetization of your poetry blog. You can learn and earn at the same time.
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